health and fitness


Several factors, including bacteria, viruses, and fungi that naturally live on the skin, medications, poor hygiene, hormones, and diet, can affect body odor. While deodorants and perfumes can mask unpleasant odors, persistent body odor can be an indicator of underlying health problems.

What does body odor reveal?

  1. Kidney problems

The kidneys play a crucial role in eliminating toxins and waste from the body through urine. When proteins break down in the body, they produce a toxic byproduct called ammonia. Normally, ammonia is converted to urea, a less toxic substance that is eliminated through urine.

If the kidneys are not working properly, they may not get rid of urea effectively, causing it to build up in the body. This can lead to egg-like breath and sweat, which indicates potential kidney problems.

  1. Liver problems

Urine-like breath can be a sign that the liver is not working properly. The liver performs essential functions, including producing bile to aid in digestion and detoxifying harmful substances from the body. If the liver is compromised, it can affect the way the body processes and removes toxins, leading to unusual body odors.

  1. Diabetic ketoacidosis

Diabetic ketoacidosis is a serious condition that occurs when the body lacks enough insulin and begins burning fat instead of glucose for energy. This process produces ketones, which can cause a noticeably fruity or nail polish-like smell. Diabetic ketoacidosis requires immediate medical attention because it can be life-threatening.

  1. Lung or mouth problems

Although bad breath in the morning is common, persistent bad odor even after brushing your teeth may indicate a health problem. Conditions such as pneumonia can cause foul-smelling saliva and breath. Likewise, tuberculosis and gum disease can also lead to significantly bad breath. A sore throat can also contribute to bad breath.

  1. Intestinal problems

A blockage in the small or large intestine can prevent the passage of certain nutrients or fluids. Complete obstruction is a serious, life-threatening condition that may cause the intestine to rupture if not treated. In such cases, the breath can have a very strong fecal-like odor, which indicates a severe intestinal problem.

  1. Urinary tract problems

Bacteria that enter the urinary tract can lead to infections, such as a urinary tract infection (UTI). Symptoms of a urinary tract infection include cloudy urine, pain or burning during urination, and a strong, foul-smelling urine. Urinary tract infections require prompt treatment to prevent complications.

Body odor can serve as an important indicator of various health problems. Recognizing and treating unusual odors can lead to early detection and treatment of underlying conditions.

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