healthy tips


Ingrown toenails, or onychomycosis, can be particularly annoying and extremely painful. While in some cases, surgery may be inevitable to treat an ingrown toenail, in many other cases, natural remedies can effectively relieve the problem.

Causes of ingrown toenails

Ingrown toenails can develop due to a variety of factors:

Nail deformity:
Sometimes, the natural shape of your nails can contribute to this condition. A nail with a clip-on or curved shape is more likely to grow under the skin.

Nail thickness:
Thick nails are more likely to dig into the skin.

Any trauma or trauma to the toe can lead to an ingrown toenail.

Improper nail trimming:
Cutting your nails too short or straight can cause them to grow into the skin.

Tight shoes:
Wearing shoes that are too tight can crush the nail, causing it to grow into the skin.

Acne treatments containing isotretinoin can make you more susceptible to ingrown toenails.

Medical conditions:
People with diabetes or other diseases that cause poor circulation are more likely to develop ingrown toenails.

Symptoms of ingrown toenails

The development of an ingrown toenail can be divided into three stages, each with distinct symptoms:

The first stage:
This stage is characterized by slight swelling and pain on pressure. There may also be erythema (redness) or edema (swelling).
Intermediate stage:
At this stage, the swelling increases, and signs of infection may appear, such as pus and ulcers.
Severe stage: The most difficult stage involves chronic inflammation and enlarged side bulges in the toe. The pain is usually severe, and the risk of serious infection is higher.
Common symptoms at all stages include pain, redness, inflammation, and swelling around the affected toe. If left untreated, an ingrown toenail can lead to serious infections, potentially spreading to the bone and requiring surgery. However, in less advanced stages, natural treatments can be very effective.

Natural solutions for ingrown toenails

Wash your feet regularly:

Keeping your feet clean is crucial. Soak your feet in warm water and soap 2 to 3 times daily to clean the affected area and remove bacteria. It is recommended to use Castile soap that contains natural ingredients. Adding Epsom salt to your soak can help soften the skin and nails, making them easier to manage.

Apple cider vinegar foot bath:

Apple cider vinegar is one of the most effective natural treatments for ingrown toenails. Mix half a cup of apple cider vinegar in a bowl of warm water and soak your feet in it for several minutes. You can also apply vinegar directly to the affected area to prevent infections.

Using cotton under the nail:

After washing your feet, gently lift the ingrown corner of the nail with dental floss and separate it slightly from the skin. Place a small piece of cotton between the nail and the skin to encourage proper nail growth. Use fluoride-free floss to avoid any irritation. Although this method may be a little painful or uncomfortable, it is very effective. Change the cotton daily and push it in more after each foot bath if necessary. In some cases, you may need to trim a small portion of the nail to fit the cotton, but proceed with caution as this is a delicate process.

Proper cutting of nails:

Trimming your nails properly is essential to preventing and treating ingrown toenails. Do this after a foot bath when the skin and nails become softer. Gently push back the swollen skin and cut the nail starting at the edges rather than the middle. Place cotton between the nail and the skin to prevent the nail from growing back into the skin.

With natural remedies and preventive measures, you can manage and prevent ingrown toenails effectively. Not only are these methods safe and easy to implement, but they also promote overall foot health.

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